Deivid Silva gets moving early in a bout against the current No. 1 and 2024 CT Qualified, Cole Houshmand, posting an excellent 8.00 single-wave score early to surge into the semifinal matchups

Deivid Silva continues his roll into the Quarterfinals after going excellent in a clash with an in-form Dylan Moffat to reel in a 15.50
Deivid Silva gets moving early in a bout against the current No. 1 and 2024 CT Qualified, Cole Houshmand, posting an excellent 8.00 single-wave score early to surge into the semifinal matchups
Deivid Silva continues his roll into the Quarterfinals after going excellent in a clash with an in-form Dylan Moffat to reel in a 15.50
The former CT competitor Deivid Silva brought his world-class backhand to Ribeira D'llhas to post the event's highest single-wave score, a
Former CTer Deivid Silva maintains control to progress into the Round of 32 over CT standouts. Deivid won the Ballito Pro in 2019 when it
The former CT competitor Deivid Silva battled in a free-for-all with fellow CT requalification hopeful Ezekiel Lau, Olympian Billy