Strong front-runner for the heat of the year...

Finals Day provided all the season-ending drama fans could want with dream runs from Caroline Marks and Jack Robinson ending in Tahitian
Strong front-runner for the heat of the year...
Finals Day provided all the season-ending drama fans could want with dream runs from Caroline Marks and Jack Robinson ending in Tahitian
The 2023 CT regular season is finished and Teahupo'o provided the platform for a dramatic climax with Caroline Marks and Jack Robinson
Relive all the heart-stopping action from the 2023 CT finale including battles for Final 5 clinching moments, mind-jarring performances,
Featuring Gabriel Medina, Caitlin Simmers, Jack Robinsons, Barron Mamiya, Leonardo Fioravanti, Seth Moniz, Yago Dora, Mihimana Braye, John