Thiago Camarao with a 9.07 Wave vs. J.Mendes, N.Mignot, 03/22/2019

Highlights from the final day at the Ballito Pro pres. by Billabong
Thiago Camarao with a 9.07 Wave vs. J.Mendes, N.Mignot, 03/22/2019
Highlights from the final day at the Ballito Pro pres. by Billabong
The Anfaplace Pro Casablanca continued in fun little waves to complete the women's opening round and remaining four heats of men's round
Santa Barbara pumps on Day 3 and by day's end, only 8 surfers remain at Azores Airlines Pro pres. by SEAT.
Surfers step up and rip excellent surf on second day of Pull&Bear Pantin Classic Galicia Pro.