Kai Lenny vs. Naxto Gonzales vs. Grant Baker vs. Nic von Rupp vs. Ian Walsh vs. Tom Lowe

Nic von Rupp vs. Kai Lenny vs. Naxto Gonzalez vs. Francisco Porcella vs. Cristian Merello vs. Makuakai Rothman
Kai Lenny vs. Naxto Gonzales vs. Grant Baker vs. Nic von Rupp vs. Ian Walsh vs. Tom Lowe
Nic von Rupp vs. Kai Lenny vs. Naxto Gonzalez vs. Francisco Porcella vs. Cristian Merello vs. Makuakai Rothman
2018 Wipeout of the Year Entry: Natxo Gonzalez at Jaws, Maui, Hawaii on January 14, 2018. Video by Tony Heff.
2018 Ride of the Year Entry: Natxo Gonzalez at the Punta Galea Challenge, Basque Country on December 30, 2017. Video by Isio Noya.
2018 Ride of the Year Entry: Natxo Gonzalez at Nazaré, Portugal on October 15, 2017. Video by Bruno Lemos.