Highlights from Day 1 of the Jordy Smith Cape Town Surf Pro Pro pres. O'Neil

Teenagers Chapman and Moniz Impress on Opening Day of Vans World Cup More at: http://vanstriplecrownofsurfing.com/vansworldcupofsurfing2013.
Paul Botha
Highlights from Day 1 of the Jordy Smith Cape Town Surf Pro Pro pres. O'Neil
Teenagers Chapman and Moniz Impress on Opening Day of Vans World Cup More at: http://vanstriplecrownofsurfing.com/vansworldcupofsurfing2013.
Florence Falls, Fanning, Zietz, Reynolds and Boukhiam Advance at Reef Hawaiian Pro. More at:
Excellent Surf Narrows Field to 64 at Reef Hawaiian Pro. More at: http://vanstriplecrownofsurfing.com/reefhawaiianpro2013.
Recap from the final day at the Namakwa Challenge