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Lucas Silveira isn't a household name (yet), but consider him a proud representative of the Brazilian Storm 2.0. The 19-year-old just won the 2016 Men's Ericeira World Junior Championship, joining the ranks of elite pros (Joel Parkinson! Gabriel Medina!) who were Junior Champs before going on to distinguished careers.

Silveira Conquers Portugal
Surfing like this helped Lucas Silveira win the 2016 Men's Ericeira World Junior Championships in early January.

Silveira has been busy on both the Junior Tour and Qualifying Series, and it's worth mentioning he's building some big-wave cred on the side as well. Now, with his prestigious award in hand, he's hoping for more.

Lucas Silveira (BRA) Lacanau 2015 Silveira, eyes on the prize at the 2015 Soöruz Lacanau Pro. - WSL / Damien Poullenot

AD: What do you think of the Brazilian Storm? Did it influence you? Do you consider yourself a part of it?
LS: The Brazilian Storm is like a family, all the Brazilians on tour are so close to each other and we cheer so much when we have a friend on a heat, it influences me a lot, especially seeing a lot of friends doing so well, it makes me want to do well too. Like when Adriano [de Souza] won the World Title, we both have the same coach, Leandro Dora, father of Yago Dora, so we always train and surf together and I could learn a lot seeing how he was preparing for the title in Hawaii. He inspires me so much in terms of focus and wanting to win more than anyone.

I think I am a part of it, I feel like I grew in surfing together with what is called Brazilian Storm, I could say I am part of the second generation of it. This year Brazil won everything that could be won in the WSL, and I am happy I won something for Brazil too.

Lucas Silveira (BRA) Emotional control, in action. - WSL / Damien Poullenot/ Aquashot

AD: What are you most proud of, outside of surfing?
LS: I could say that I did well in school and do online college, but it's not the thing I am most proud of. I say I don't stress easily, no matter the situation, I tend to keep calm. That's emotional control, right?

AD: What's the best compliment you've ever gotten?
LS: A lot of people tell me I am a nice guy, humble and respectful. That is how I was taught to be and I try to stay like that no matter what.

When Ricardo dos Santos passed, it was the most pain I've ever felt.

AD: What was the toughest day of your life?
LS: The day Ricardo dos Santos passed. I was in Hawaii and was going go to Maui to surf Jaws on that day. It was 5 a.m. when a friend called me with the news. I was already awake and could not sleep well that night, it kind of looked like I knew something was wrong. It was the most pain I've ever felt, we had a lot of common friends and every one started showing up at our house and we just felt like making a paddle out in his memory. The waves were supposed to be really small but it was firing somehow. A lot of people showed up and everyone that was surfing stopped surfing and went to the circle as well, it was a very tense and emotional moment.

AD: What's one thing you wish you could do over?
LS: Win more world titles. Hopefully I will again eventually.

AD: What would be your spirit animal?
LS: I didn't know what to answer so I Googled it and took a quiz to find my spirit animal and the results were weird! But of my options, I liked the bear because it has fighting ability, strength and strategic thinking. So I guess I am a bear. (Ha!)

Silveira, Bullish on Big Waves
His spirit animal is a bear, but in heavy waves he's a beast. This gem was an entry to the 2015 Big Wave Awards.

AD: What quality do you most admire in others?
LS: I like someone funny that doesn't care about usual problems most people care about, who had good vibes.

AD: What's the most overrated virtue?
LS: Excessive vanity.

AD: What's the most important virtue?
LS: Humility.

AD: What's the most overrated wave?
LS: There is a big-wave spot close to where I live that people go to with their guns and think they are surfing Jaws or something but it is actually a fat 6-footer. Better for me to not say the name.

Perfect waves make you happy, but only momentarily. You have to find the happiness inside.

AD: What's your idea of perfect happiness?
LS: The most important is being happy with yourself. Perfect waves and doing fun things sure make you happy, but only momentarily. You have to find the happiness inside.

AD: Last supper request?
LS: The first thing I thought was to put a perfect 8- to 10-foot reefbreak in front of my house, but that would be too selfish, so I would ask for no more war in the world and more peace in everyone's hearts.

AD: If you could sit and interview any five people, dead or alive, who would you pick?
LS: Jesus, Pepe Lopes, Jim Morrison, and one with Andy Irons and Ricardo dos Santos to ask if they are surfing together in heaven.

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