2021 Men's Ride Of The Year Billy Kemper at Jaws on December 2, 2020. Video by Marcus Rodrigues.

Finally cleared to get back on a board, Billy Kemper sets his sights on the ultimate goal: surfing the famed big wave break Jaws.
Marcus Rodrigues
2021 Men's Ride Of The Year Billy Kemper at Jaws on December 2, 2020. Video by Marcus Rodrigues.
Finally cleared to get back on a board, Billy Kemper sets his sights on the ultimate goal: surfing the famed big wave break Jaws.
Após grandes cirurgias no joelho e na pelve, Billy Kemper começa um intenso regime de treinamento físico para voltar a surfar.
Leaving his family in Hawaii to focus on recovery in California parallels his career-defining 2017 season where he clinched his first Big
In "BILLY: Chapter 4," the story of the big wave World Champion continues to unfold as he remains in unbearable pain after suffering a